
Showing posts from July, 2017

Jack in the Box

I can hear her voice close by even though it is muffled and weak: I would recognize it anywhere; it is soft and smooth like a child whispering in the dark trying to appease monsters. She must be doing something she doesn't want anyone to know but she can’t fool me - I know her too well. Sometimes it is like I can hear her thoughts even before she does. 
 It s cold and dark, I want out now. I have been inside too long, it's beginning to weigh on me. After all, I have done, I think I`d deserve better.  I just can’t understand why she would leave me alone after all the words we said, the pacts, the promises, the sweet nothings we exchanged for years. I refuse to believe it all meant nothing to her as if she could forget or think it was all just a crazy dream that was never real, except in her imagination. Whatever her reasons it is unfair and wrong. 
 The furtive whispering has stopped and now the sound of her breathing is broken only by a gentle rustling of clothes being remo...